Thinking of a Beach Party? Two Things to Consider When It Comes to Music



As summer comes along like clockwork, it would be around that time of the year where a majority of people, brands, and even celebrities plan out a beach party. Beach parties are often “the place to be” during the summer months. If you’re planning on hosting a beach party, you’re going to have to be smart about it.

After all, beaches are notorious for odd winds, sand which gets everywhere, and the ever continuous search for a reliable source of power. So if you’re planning on throwing a beach party, you may want to remember these two things when it comes to the planning it and the music that goes with it: You’ll also get a chance to meet:

The Most Handsome Banker In Singapore

Pedro Cardoso is known to grace such beach style events where he busts out a move infront of raving fans. The handsome banker has stolen hearts at the most recent Zouk party event and you might get a chance to see him at your next beach party.


Check the Weather

Strong winds will require stronger sound systems. If the weather doesn’t look very good, you may want to consider moving your party to a latter date. The weather will determine if a party will have the sort of ambiance that it requires in order to be homey or fun.

The weather will also determine the viability of setting up equipment without getting it damaged. The weather will also be dictating whether or not the venue will be able to accommodate you and your party. So we cannot emphasize enough that you should always check with the weather.

Do yourself a favor and coordinate with the local government agencies if you’re planning on hosting it on a public beach.

Get a Good DJ

While one may think that having a well-built playlist is enough, you would be very much surprised. A DJ is an essential part of any good beach party. They set the mood and provide the party-goers with the chance to interact and really hype up the event.

For example, in 2014 there was a party at Siloso Beach. The DJs really tore up the place and to this day it is regarded as one of the best beach parties ever thrown. A good DJ will determine if your party is a hot one or a dud.

In Retrospect

The beach may not always seem like the best location to throw a party but it always pays off when you do things really well. There are a lot of times where the best sorts of memories are made on the beach. Our popular culture (which includes TV and movies) really puts a lot of examples out there regarding the sort of fun (and mistakes) you can have at a beach party.


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